will add printing and reporting capabilities to your .NET
application. RReport can be used with C# ,VBNET or any other .NET language.
templates are created using RReport Visual Builder. They
are stored as files with extension .rep. The templates are
read at runtime and the data for the report is extracted
from database , arrays or provided by your program. Finally
the report can be printed, or exported to DHTML or PDF.
- Export to HTML
- Export to PDF |
Source code available
- Customizable preview window or
- default window's preview window
Preview, zoom and browse
- Aspx for web application |
to use RReport
and service
You get RReport at very reasonable fees. The price includes license,
documentation, examples, source code, and 6 months updates and fast
email Support. |
can read data from database and reports support charts, barcodes,
grouping, evaluation of expressions , images, multiline fields ... |
of use
If you create
your reports with RReport Visual Builder you don't have to learn
complicated API's.
restricitive license agreement.
can use the software together with your application in any way you
like. You can merge it , you can combine it, link it .... compare
it with open source licenses. |
is available and can be modified without restriction. We
only ask you not to give the source code away. |
- Report
fields can be populated using:
- database
(ODBC, Ole ...):
RReport will connect to your database and retrieve the data to be printed.
It will also take into account your table relationships (primary and
foreign keys).
- arrays: you can provide an array of objects as data source
for a part of the report.
- programatically:
you can set the value of each single object in the report also using
the API from your Java[TM] program.
- user defined data sources:
You can create your own objects that implement the RSource interface
in order to provide the data.
- Components
of the reports:
- fields
(format, alignment)
- expressions
- current page number and date
- images
- combos
- areas
- groups of areas
- checkbox
- background
- borders
- lines
- rectangles
- nested areas
- page frame
- page header/footer
- report header/footer
- areas "Listener"
- charts (*)
- barcodes (*)
(*) Charting and barcoding components
require a separate license of RChart and RBarcode.
RReport Visual Builder
The Visual Builder
is the tool the developer uses for creating the reports templates (*.rep
files) which will be loaded in the final application. It is a graphical
tool which allows an easy design of the templates by means of dragging
and dropping objects and editting properties. The reports can be tested
by just pressing the preview or the PDF/DHTML button.

Using the API
We recommend to
use RReport Visual Builder in order to create your report's templates.
However whenever a template is loaded at runtime all objects can be
accessed and manipulated using RReport API (see doc/api.chm file). For
example the following line:
((RField) report.getAreaByName("Detail").getItemByName("company")).fontColor=Color.Red;
dim f as RField
would change the
color of the text field called "company" in the detail area
of the report.
It is also possible
to create a report from scratch using the API, without the Visual Builder.
For example:
// create report
RReport rep=new RReport();
//create area
RArea HDR_PurchaseOrder= new RArea();
// add field to the area
RField lbltitle=new RField();
lbltitle.x=0.132; // position and size
lbltitle.setdefaultValue("Purchase Order");
lbltitle.FontType=new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"),18);
Using RReport in your .NET Applications
RReport can be used
in your windows applications in order to be able to preview and print
The software supports
2 preview windows, one of them is the Window's preview window and the
other one is a propietary window you can modify so that it fits the
UI of your application.
You can display
and print a report in a few lines like for example:
load report from file
Report report=new Report();
if (!report.importReport("examples\\DatabaseSource\\DBorder.rep"))
Console.WriteLine("Error, exiting");
create preview window
RReportWindow Win= new RReportWindow(report);
this will print the Header Area and all dependent areas
' load report
from file
Dim report as Report
report=new Report()
if (not report.importReport("examples\DatabaseSource\DBorder.rep"))
Console.WriteLine("Error, exiting")
end if
' create preview window
Dim Win as RReportWindow
Win= new RReportWindow(report)
this will print the Header Area and all dependent areas
RReport in your Web Applications
If you are building
a web application and you need to print a report, we advise you to use
RReport in order to create DHTML or PDF reports in the server. This
report will be displayed by the browser in the client computer and printed
using the browser's print button.
RReport can be used
to create the DHTML or PDF output in an aspx page.