Y_2 Label
Text of the Y_2 label
Font of the Y_2 label
Color of the Y_2 labelColor
Vertical Y_2 label
Y_2 Axis/Scale
Enable Y_2 axis
Y_2 Min
Y_2 Max
Y_2 tick interval
Y_2 big tick interval
Y_2 big tick list
Y_2 tick at base
Y_2 Axis grid
Grid filling
Grid at big tick
List of Y_2 labels
Y_2 start with big tick
Y_2 cero axis
Y_2 axis style
Type of axis, regular or bar
Width of the axis bar
Y_2 axis filling style
Y_2 font
Y_2 colorColor
Y_2 axis integer
Description label of the axis
Y_2 label format
Y_2 vertical labels
Y_2 tick label length
Y_2 Closed
Target zones Y_2
Target Zone 1
Target Zone 2
Target Zone 3
Target Zone 4
Auto axis Y_2
Exact max.
Exact min.
Preferred max/min
Y_2 auto ticks
Y_2 preferred tick interval
Y_2 Log Axis
Log Scale
Log base
Log tick interval
Y_2 Date Axis
Y_2 date format
Y_2 date step
Y_2 initial date